Monday, July 19, 2010

Ngorongoro Crater - Vinnie, Bethe and Lori

Craziness!  Like Vince said a pinchable experience.  How the three of us ended up on the same continent at the same time is beyond me!!! Surreal!  But I must say we had an awesome time.  The Crater is an amazing place....but being there with Vince and Bethe made it one of those unforgettable experience.  As for the Crater, it is basically this massive hole in the ground where tons of animals live (that explanation is certainly not the geological definition but hopefully you get the idea).  Animals like lions, elephants, cheetahs, leopards, hyenas, name it, they live there!!!  I think the movie Lion King is based off the Crater.

The lodge that we stayed at was absolutely gorgeous.  It was a massive two room hut (if you can call it that) with a rain forest shower, a huge soaking tub, a fireplace and tons of windows (there was even one in front of the toilet).  I must say I think the two room hut was bigger than my condo in DC!!!!

Okay, on to the important stuff.  Since there was a bit of snag with my travel (oh you know nobody there to pick me up at the airport in the middle of nowhere in Africa) Vince, Bethe and I were not able to go into the crater the first day. But the hotel did make up for it by treating us to a sundowner (basically a happy hour) on this cliff overlooking the crater.  It was AMAZING!!!  I uploaded pictures of Vince, Bethe, me and the amazing view!!! The next day we all woke up at the crack of early to drive down into the crater.  After a bit of a bumpy road, we immediately saw a whole crew of hyenas eating a wildebeest!!!  I don't think we saw as many animals as Vince and Bethe saw on their other game drives but we did get to see about 7 lions including some adorable cubs that were about a month old.  They were so cute looking!!!

As Vince said before it was an amazing experience with some spectacular company.  But I must admit I am quite jealous.  I caught a flight to Nairobi to go back to work and they are sitting on their tooshies on a gorgeous beach staring at the Indian Ocean!!!


Unknown said...

500 spiders. I'm out. Glad to hear that you are having a great time. Can't wait to hear about it when you get back. --Tony

From Anthony: I want to see more animals daddy. I want to have mikly. What do baby cub lions eat. Lions go roar. --Anthony

Unknown said...

Wow - two posts from me, neither of which were written by me.

Moving on, your photos are AMAZING! I am glad Tony didn't make any comments about my resemblance to the baby & mama hippo in your photos. The leopard in the tree and the giraffe photos are spectacular. And catching the lion yawning. Oh, and I have to add that Vinnie seems to be laughing about the hot air balloon landing, but, Bethe, you don't look like your laughing quite as hard! :) The accommodations look pretty rough, hope you guys will be able to adjust to the first class airplane style, as it will be a definite step down from the looks of things. And to think Tony and I were just so happy to have a cold shower (vs. no shower) in the Amazon.

You do know that Tony wakes up screaming every night about the 500 spiders. Just to be fair, it may be genetic, as Anthony and I "spray" for spiders with fake sprayers making the "tzit, tzit, tzit" sound around his crib every night to ward away the spiders -- this has been going on at least 4 weeks. Sometimes Anthony pretends that he sees the spiders flying away from his crib. I don't think he'd ever sleep again if he saw a real spider, much less 500!

Have a great last few days. We miss you guys and CANNOT wait to catch up soon!

-The Real Kimberly

Vince and Bethe said...

Good to hear from you. We miss you guys. We are in Dar Es Salaam and getting ready to head back unfortunately. I am going to post an update today from the island tonight of Mnemba Island. A magical place that you and Tony need to visit. We got a ton g stuff (not toys so they will not be thrilled) for your kids from all the places we went.