Monday, July 19, 2010

Lions, Leopards, Spiders and More in Kleins Camp and Serengeti

First thanks to my sister Lori – she is posting this blog from Nairobi as we still have not had internet access.  She met Bethe and me at the Crater – more on that later in the post she will actually write.
Well it has been a while since we have updated the blog.  After Manyara we went to Kleins Camp which was a private game reserve (so not a national park) and therefore you did not have to stay on the trails, which was very cool.  At Kleins Camp we had absolutely no cell coverage which was kind of neat.  We had some amazing experiences at Kleins.  It was our first real safari game drive and we saw lots of amazing stuff.  My sister is going to upload our safari highlight photos (74 pictures of the 1000 we took) so you can see some of the amazing stuff.  The highlights of Kleins were a group of elephants at least a 100 plus strong, 2 leopards in a tree (some amazing photos) and an actual lion hunt and kill (some amazing photo’s of that but please note they are graphic).  We also had a spider explosion in our room the 1st night and when we came back from dinner there were 500+ spiders in our room.  They moved us and said they have never seen that but wow what a lot of spiders.  We also watched the World Cup finals with the staff at Kleins camp.  That was amazing – watching the game in the middle of nowhere in Africa with the staff who all were passionate and speaking languages we could not understand amazing.
Then we went to the Serengeti.  We spent three nights there in tents (amazing tents but still tents).  The staff there was amazing.  We spotted lion cubs, saw a lion mother drag a wildebeest 300 yards to a spot where her 2 cubs could actually eat in a hidden location, saw monster crocs and hippos and took a hot air balloon ride.  Not to mention the migration which was just amazing (some photos from ground and hot air balloon).  At the Serengeti we had hippos walking 10 feet from our tent every night (very loud eaters) and had impalas, baboons, buffalo and even some elephants not more than 30 feet from our tent – very neat to watch especially at night.
Next post will be done by my sister – she flew down and joined us for the weekend in the Crater.  It was an adventure for her as there was a big screw up by &Beyond with her arrival.  Once we got past that we had a great time and it was beyond incredible to be able to share such an adventure with her 12,500KM from home.  Sometimes I needed to pinch myself to make sure I remembered we were in Africa together!

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