We went and saw the quarterfinal game today in Cape Town. It was Argentina vs. Germany and it was an amazing experience. The picture is before the game. Bethe took a lot of pictures of videos (so you can hear the vuvuzelas) during the game and you can get to those from the bottom of the blog where links to all of our pictures are. We discovered the games only take Visa and have no ATM's - so lesson learned take lots of South Africa Ran to the game.
Getting back was also an expereince as very crowded where the game is. We finally got a cab and he was not exactly sure where the hotel was. So he drove us and we had to call his cab company on my cell for them to tell him how to get to our hotel. Frustrating but than we left our vuvuzelas in the cab (din't realize it until 3 hours later)
STUPID STUPID STUPID (not nice words Anthony)
So we will have to get new ones!!
Tomorrow we go wine tasting. Hopefully we are standing at the end of that.
The comments are great - especially Little Anthony's (co-authored by Kim). If you have not read them you should (just click on the comment link below each post where it says comments or click on the article headline). It is great to see the world through a 3 year old mind and imagination!
Tell me Bethe isn't really an Argentina fan...I used to think she was a really nive person! (I've always followed Germany; and my recent trip to Uruguay has given me a new favorite team from South America.)
Enjoy the Stellenbosch tomorrow.
Buenos Aires is one of my favorite places so I had to show some love!!
From Anthony:
"Uncle Vinnie, why did you say THAT word?" [And now he has been walking around saying, "stupid, stuipid, stupid!"]
After listening to the horns:
"Those are trumpets"
I like B.A. too -- we're headed back in August. But I can't support the Albiceleste -- they have a long history of poor sportsmanship and ugly play. Maradona stands for much of what is wrong in soccer; and he stands as the face of Argentine soccer for the last 30 years.
If you liked B.A., you'll like its little cousin across the estuary. We found Montevideo to be absolutely delightful. The steak is better (yes, really) but unfortunately the wine is very much inferior (too oaky with really edgy and rough tannins.) It's well worth a day or two when you head south again.
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